Date of Birth
Zip Code
Phone Number
Email Address:
Alternate Email Address
What are the three closest airports to you?
Have you been privileged to see and Alaskan Klee Kai in person? Yes
If you have seen one or more, can you share with me which dog you saw and who the owner was?
When are you interested in adding an Alaskan Klee Kai to your family?
Do you have a veterinarian at this time? Yes
If you have a veterinarian, Please provide information.
If you have a veterinarian, does he or she handle their own emergency care? Yes
I do not know
I do not have a vet
Do they refer to a Pet ER Clinic? Yes
I do not know
I do not have a veterinarian
Have you visited that ER Clinic? Yes
I do not have a veterinarian
How did you hear about Heart of Texas Alaskan Klee Kai?
Have you owned dogs in the past? Yes
If you have owned dogs in the past, What breeds were they?
What happened to the dogs that you no longer own?
What breeds did you own that were not what you expected?
What were the problems with that breed?
What breeds were you happy with?
What traits did those dogs have that pleased you?
How many dogs do you have now and what breed are they?
Do you have children? Yes
If you have children, What ages are they?
Have your children (if still at home) been trained in the proper care and treatment of pets? Yes
I have no children at home
What will be the primary quarters for your Alaskan Klee Kai? Inside
Inside and Outside
Do you plan to use a crate while inside (Great Idea!) Yes
Not sure
Do you have or will you have a fenced yard for your Alaskan Klee Kai? Yes
Do you have an interest in showing your Alaskan Klee Kai in Competition? Yes
Not sure yet
Do you wish to BREED your Alaskan Klee Kai? Yes
Not sure
Would you be willing to work with the Alaskan Klee Kai community to help educate people about the breed by honestly answering their questions about the dogs or telling them where they an get their answers? Yes
Would you be willing to join the AKK Breed Club for a minimum of one year so that you can learn more about the breed. (I provide membership and you would get newsletters) Yes
Are you currently a breeder of Alaskan Klee Kai or another breed? Yes
Were you previously a breeder of Alaskan Klee Kai or another breed? Yes
If yes, Which breeds have you been a breeder of?
If you are currently an Alaskan Klee Kai breeder, what is your kennel name and who is your mentor if any?
Why do you think that your home would be a good home for an Alaskan Klee Kai?
Are all adult members of your household in agreement that it is time to add a dog to your household? Yes
Are you a home owner or are you currently renting? Own Home
Renting, but purchasing in the near future
If you are a renter, are there any limitations for a dog to be living there and if so, what are those limitations?
If you are a renter, is there a pet deposit required and have you paid that deposit or discussed it with your property manager? Yes, Required and paid
Yes, Required but not paid as I do not have a pet yet.
Not required
Are you interested in a puppy or would an older dog work for you? Puppy
Older dog
No Preference
What age range are you looking for? Puppy (8-16 weeks)
Older Puppy (6-12 months)
Young adult (1-3 years)
Retired Adult (variety of ages)
No Preference
What Gender do you prefer? Male
No preference
What color do you prefer? Black and White
Grey and White
Red and White
Solid White (not registered)
No Preference
What size are you looking for? Toy (up to an including 13 inches)
Miniature (over 13 inches and up to and including 15 inches)
Standard (Over 15 inches - up to and including 17.5 inches)
Over sized (Over 17.5 inches)
No Preference
What will be the main purpose of your Alaskan Klee Kai in addition to being your pet? Show / Breeding Probable
Companion (must be altered)
Dog Sports other than Conformation
No Preference
Eye color is not as important to us at Heart Of Texas Alaskan Klee Kai but to many it is. Please note that Double Blue eyed puppies are not as available as others. Double Blue
Double Brown
Bi-Eyed (one eye of each color)
No Preference
Please list any questions that you might have?
Please list two references as well as their email address.